9 Times Porn Showed Up In The Most Unexpected Places
Nathan Johnson
Whether you're at a funeral, a lecture or just walking down the street, the last thing you expect to see are two professional actors bumping uglies, well these are those stories.
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In August 2016, Karve Road in Pune, India saw a traffic jam for the weirdest reason you could think of — an accidental display of porn on a digital billboard that was shown to the public. The "sexy seduce cam" clip attracted the attention of both pedestrians and motorists. It turned out that the person responsible for the gaffe was watching porn on a system which was mistakenly connected to the display outside. -
During the funeral service for Simon Lewis, 33 and his baby son, also called Simon, who were both killed in a car crash on New Year's Eve, 2016, hardcore porn was played on on a large screen instead of a video tribute to the deceased. An attendee said it took nearly four minutes for the porn to be turned off at Thornhill Crematorium, Cardiff, adding to the family's anguish. Cardiff council immediately launched an investigation into the matter and issued an apology. They said in a statement: "We are trying to establish whether the smart TV could have picked up a broadcast by accident from Bluetooth or a wifi connection. The other TVs were not affected." -
Wayne Nunn and his toddler daughter got a lot more than they bargained for when purchasing a DVD from The Crazy Store (yes, that's really its name). The doting South African dad was horrified to discover that he had inadvertently shown his daughter and her friends “soft porn" during a playdate at his house. He told reporters that the youngsters were left traumatized by a porn movie called Girl Refined, which he left to run while he went to do other chores. The kids had reportedly been expecting to watchBarbie and the Nutcracker. The store apologized and said it removed the product from its shelves and was investigating how its suppliers could have made the blunder. -
In 2014, teacher Robert Adams, who worked at Deighton Primary School in Tredegar, South Wales, was suspended after he uploaded pornography onto his school's IT system. The snafu was caught by colleagues when they noticed the images, which were stored in a folder called "Glam." Adams had agreed to upload school work resources to a personal memory stick after the servers had been shut down for maintenance work. When they were back up, he uploaded the files back onto the system, along with his alleged private adult porn collection. Adams was removed from the teaching register indefinitely and cannot apply to be reinstated until 2019. -
In June 2016, an elementary school in Haifa, Israel apologized to parents after DVDs distributed to sixth-grade students were found to contain porn. The school sent text messages to parents warning them not to allow their children to watch the discs, which were supposed to depict scenes from a recent graduation party. 90 kids received the DVDs as part of the school's celebration of National Hug Day. -
Ooops! In November 2016, Australian Rugby League player Jarryd Hayne showed pornographic images to schoolchildren — by accident, of course. Hayne showed the lewd pictures to pupils during a presentation on cyber security. When asked by officials to explain what had happened, he was adamant the images were not his. After an investigation, he was found to be telling the truth. The images were beamed into an auditorium at Robina State High School as the recent Gold Coast Titans recruit showed some of the contents of his phone to more than 200 children during a presentation on behalf of Norton Security. During that time, an unknown person connected to the non-password protected wifi network “injected unwanted materials” into Hayne's presentation. -
A California family got an eyeful when the DVD they rented from a Redbox turned out to be X-rated. Patriarch David Morris went to a Walmart in Dixon to rent a movie from Redbox. He picked the action-comedy Central Intelligence but went home with something else altogether. "It wasn't a typical porno movie. It was old people in their sixties or seventies. That's what shocked us. We thought it was a bad preview for some cheesy movie. But as it progressed we were like, 'No, this is the real deal.' So we stopped it. And we took it out of the DVD player," Morris said. Whoever committed the prank printed a fake DVD label that looked exactly like the Central Intelligence label and glued it to the x-rated flick. It was only after Morris stopped the movie and ejected it from his DVD player that he noticed the edges of the label were peeling up. "Definitely not what I was expecting that night," he said. -
Target shoppers in Campbell, California, got an early morning earful of porn playing over a loudspeaker in 2015. Mom Gina Young was in the store with her two sons when she heard the commotion and posted a video of the incident to social media. The Minnesota-based retailer believes the pornographic audio originated from an outside source and had so far determined that no employees were involved in the disturbing broadcast. -
Virginia congressional candidate Mike Webb posted a message on Facebook along with a screenshot of his browser in early 2016. He intended to use the image to show how a staffing agency in Alexandria, Virginia, was closed down, but instead showed tabs that were open to porn on his browser. He was caught "red-handed," but later hinted it's okay because it boosted his social media engagement. In an another post, Webb said, "Lessons affirmed today include that we do expect our leaders to be examples of our highest ideals, but also, as we have seen for almost a year in non-traditional length posts, people are interested and motivated by truth and substance, not flash or even scandal." He then notes his social media growth — 25% growth in Facebook page likes in just one day! — and adds, "Perhaps, what doesn't kill you does make you stronger." Webb did not make it onto the general election ballot later in the year.
- 9 Times Porn Showed Up In The Most Unexpected Places
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In August 2016, Karve Road in Pune, India saw a traffic jam for the weirdest reason you could think of — an accidental display of porn on a digital billboard that was shown to the public. The "sexy seduce cam" clip attracted the attention of both pedestrians and motorists. It turned out that the person responsible for the gaffe was watching porn on a system which was mistakenly connected to the display outside.